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Re: [microsound] re AC and other sounds

In a message dated 11/6/99 10:52:27 AM, kim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

<< >KIM, yeah, i know these "combination" effects....nice ability of a brain 

>combine whatever sensual experience into sthg that makes sense...i 

>exactly the same effect of hearing some kind of melodies in planes a lot of

>times. drumming, gamelan-type structures, pulsing sounds...all of these - i

>think they are mainly a rtesult of interference of different resonating

>frequencies of the airplane´s body...

yes but the thing is that this was a fully articulated musical piece where

all the instruments had differents parts and there was an overall harmonic

movment...implying that it wasn't a case of beat freq's creating a

pseudo-melodic phenomenon that I was interpreting as music...it was as if

my brain was creating a musical piece on the fly as stimulated by the many

hours being in a constant noise environment...I read somewhere that there

is a psycho-acoustic term for this...does anyone have any info on this? URL


KIM >>

hmmmm.... sometimes you can hear sound/music coming out of the headphone 
jacks on airplanes if nothing is hooked up to them--- if it had those 
air/pressure sound thing(there must be a name for this)  Of course, if it was 
the type with the standard mini-jack...well... nevermind.