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my friend the radiator (AC and other sounds)
> From: taylor deupree <taylor@xxxxxxx>
> as people are speaking of childhood sounds that fascinated or relaxed them..
> for me, i have two very memorable ones..
> the first one being me in the back seat of my parents car, late at
> night on road trips,
> the 2nd sound being the sound of my mom vaccuuming..
i was fascinated with the rhythm of road bumps and spin cycles
of washing machines that weren't on a level surface.
not to mention the hissing and clanking of steam radiators when i was
very small (which woke me up and scared the hell out of me - i thought
it was some giant iron steam robot.)
as a matter of fact, to calm myself i used to try to carry on a
"conversation" with it, questioning and responding to all of it's noises
until it started to die down.