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Re: [microsound] frank bretschneider and the 'process'....

yuh! that's why i bring my tower..that really freaks people out! i don't care that much for playing back files or sequences my self. that may be why i dont have a sequencer. welllll...acid for fun.
i prefer to do live number crunching on my vic-20 and amiga! and audio-mulch is the tits with its sound generators. so, i guess i play trackball music.
@exedra on oct. 27th needle performed his live score for nosferatu with jeswa (souloddity/phoenicia) and otto mad evil scientist.
needle played very theraminishy trackball sinewaves while jeswa played reactor on a laptop with a flat screen facing the audience, while mad evil played a micro-moog & played back mpc samples, with jeswa running the live sound through reactor---but no sequenced music!

                sony mao

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