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Re: [microsound] Re: laptop ethics

move to algorithmic systems, and here the performer might move a fader
that, to the audience, has absolutely no discernable effect on the sound.
what the hell is he doing up there, anyway? well, perhaps the fader
adjusted the probability of a random fluctuation in the beat offset of a
loop. sometimes it is just too complex to expect the audience to ever
understand. visual displays can help, program notes can help... but it is
hard to make this type of interface coherent to an audience - especially an
"inexperienced" (non-geek) audience.

i agree, but think of our 'geek' brethren viewing an opera. i have. it was novel, but in the end intensely boring because it all sounds like singing in italian to me. had i some training in opera music i might have been able to tell that the soprano had a cold or seen by the way his/her shoulders were heaving that he/she was not quite up to it that night. is it a similar situation? i think so, but society accepts that wankers will pay exorbitant amounts of money to sit there and pretend they know what is going on. i can't see that happening in the computer music industry however.

- FUK - Aaron Oxford c9805667 - * Frequency UnKnown * - aybiss@xxxxxxxxxxx - FUK - members.xoom.com/aybiss

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