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RE: [microsound] MEGO? Was Re: Laptop Ethics
> De: Casper Kecar <germinator@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> A: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Asunto: [microsound] MEGO? Was Re: Laptop Ethics
> Fecha: Jueves 25 de Noviembre de 1999 12:17 PM
> This MEGO, I can not conclude why this label be popular. I do not believe
> it problem on the whole where they use the laptops at concert. It is
> perfect because it looks how stupid and being unaware there music is. The
> sequential mouse click instead long boringly nose pick. What is being
> pathetic is how with talent MEGO isn't does not stop people wanting their
> music brilliant and new. It is so much completely the unoriginal that a
> good number among us and you choke on our vomit. We cannot believe it
> we are to hear these computer composition like failing grade students by
> the 80s.
> not MEGO, YUGO, 80s relic hurtful my ear. Wife says you should stop it
> sooner before it later hurt brilliant artist (not you).
> Casper hurts now
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