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length of work

I was in LA with my family over Thanksgiving and did the obligatory
post-holiday mecca to Melrose to do some Christmas shopping...we stopped
into this futurismo-hitech-minimal-urbanwear shop and noticed that what
they were playing on the stores sound system was a electronic music
sampling CD (like: Cuckooland I or II, etc)...I found it interesting that
the people running the store would choose a sampling CD to play and started
chewing on the implications: was attention span getting so short that the
only thing of interest is 10 second and under snippets of modular
synthesizer ornaments and pads? was the store owner possibly a composer who
wanted to multiplex her time by listening to the CD to gether ideas for her
next single? or is there a trend of needing to ingest more information
thereby needing to reduce the length of each digestable bit so more can be
assimilated? I have found within my own work a need to reduce, reuse,
recycle (to borrow a phrase from a bumpersticker)...
just curious if any composers out there have noticed the trend towards
creating shorter work and if there were any aesthetic theories around



 November releases:

                full length:: cathodeFlower (Ritornell/Mille Plateaux)
	mp3 release:: Pulsar Studies 1 - 20 (Falsch)
	compilation:: cubeQuadratische (Herniated Mix #1) (Digital Narcis)

"the smooth always posseses a greater power of deterritorialization than
the striated."
   - Deleuze & Guattari

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