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permissile playlist sunday jan 23, 2000

permissile: an audbl guid t' th glitch
playlist for Sunday January 23 2000

permissile is broadcasted on CKUW, the University of Winnipeg's campus & community radio station and through the NCRA's World Service Internet radio. It can be heard locally and via the Internet every second week from 2-4 am CST on 95.9fm, or 8-10am GMT.
Ckuw stream: http://www.winnipeg.freenet.mb.ca/ckuw/index.html
World Service stream: http://www.ncra.ca/

artist Album Track Label
The boxhead ensemble where the sea breaks its back Intro atavistic
blind c/w fragment s/t 4 ash internationa
achim wollscheid sight of sound: of architectu... piece for a listener errand body pr
deupree & chartier SPEC Specification 8 12k
Specification 9
taylor deupree .aiff kita 12k
richard chartier a sampler so far tone collage microwave
frank bretschneider rand m.d. mille plateaux
noto kerne kerne.gap plate lunch
evol principio 3 mego
surge A sampler so far untitled microwave
tone rec pholcus voice onset time sub rosa

~guest dj~ cute little piranha (who programmed oval, mouse on mars x3, #/tau, f.x. randomiz and other cologne delights)

dr nachtstrom			17 songs after midnight		farmers a gogo
								The radium group
								A drummer's story
jetzmann/liquidski		storage kompilation		ubern jordan		stora/freibank
tulip				storage kompilation		love bye		stora/freibank

permissile has a website which is under full construction, check it out and email me with critical comments and urls to your pages and html editors

thanks all ad.ll

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