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Re: [microsound] - DSP?

These are all great questions, Assaf.

> are they used also
> to create the sound, or just modify it?

Both. Some of these tools are very powerful and
allow to both easily generate sound or process it
[ like Cosund, MSP or MetaSynth] others are often
used to just modify existing signals [ soundhack,
HyperPrism, Thonk... ]

> if you program a sound from scratch, the sound is considered
> strictly a product of DSP,

You could say that, but usually this would be refered
to as 'Synthesis' , a very thin line, tought.

> and if you use exsisting sound sources
> (guitar, analog...), and then modify them using DSP tools, well,
> its not quite the same is it?

Why not ? That's completely a matter of opinion.

The range of effects achieved via DSP is very wide, some
might be very subtle, some will modify the signal in very
traditional ways [chorus, delay, distortion], and some will
overwhelm the signal, resulting in sounds that are extremely
different that the original [granular, vocoding, spectral

As Taylor pointed out, I'm afraid that E-mails will not do
justice [not even close] to this subject.

Besides checking some of the tools I've mentioned, you might
find these books of interest:

'The Computer Tutorial' Curtis Roads - MIT press
'Computer Music' Dodge-Jerse
'The Csound Book' Richard Boulanger - upcoming MIT press




>From: "Assaf Gidron" <agidron@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: "microsound" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: Re: [microsound] - DSP?