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microsound hotline server

thanks to Eddie Peel we have a hotline server set up for a place where
microsound list members can go and trade mp3's, chat and put up things of
interest (like shareware etc)

microsound hotline server IP addy:
(no password or user name needed yet)

also I need to know if anyone out there would be interested in a chat
session with Doug Kahn, author of "Noise Water Meat" (which is a fantastic
book btw)...
if interested please let me know and I will set up a time for Doug to log
on to the microsound server

to download a Mac or PC Hotline client check out




new releases:

? full length:: "cathodeFlower" (Ritornell/Mille Plateaux)
? mp3 release:: "pulsar studies" (Falsch)
? compilation:: "cubeQuadratische (Herniated Mix #1)"
		      ("V/A - blueCubism" on Digital Narcis)

"the smooth always posseses a greater power of deterritorialization than
the striated."
   - Deleuze & Guattari