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snd / microstoria

<< e.g. when philip sherburne in the wire [186] talks about snd's
 "makesnd_casette": like mercury "sliding over itself, shimmying into new
 forms", and "silted noise ... sonic dust motes scattered by the whirring
 of a hard disk". is this just purple music writing, or is he picking up
 on something? certainly these sounds are so abstract as to suggest an
 equivalent kind of abstract dynamics, and matter is both completely
 abstract and appealingly dynamic... >>

whoa! what are you talking about? haha. is this the same article with a
little airport looking picture on top that's all about snd? if so... i thought
it was  written pretty damn well. i remember snd  being called real
"cookies and coke" kinda music. that's what the whole glitch ambient
whatever thing is to me. cookies and coke. yummmm.

peace: christian jay sienkiewicz

p.s. does anyone know how microstoria is doing (or sounding) lately?
if so, please tell. just dying to know.