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...technological 'failure'...

Dear Kim,

If you're interested I could pass you on Christophe Behren's email re. your
technological 'failure' query. He's been active for some time now
exploring/exploiting the artistic qualities of JPEG/MPEG compression
artefacts. (There are some comments at the Fällt site.)

Both Conrad (Röntgen - co-owner/partner @ Fällt) and I find his
work quite poetic (if you'll forgive my, wholly subjective, view creeping

He's currently working on a show for one of Belfast's leading contemporary
galleries - which should be showing later this year (September I think) -
for which I have some images if you (or anyone else) are interested.

Re. the forthcoming upload of further images from Christophe's JPEG
Compression Series @ http://www.fallt.com/compressionseries/jpeg.html -
watch this space - further images/info. up later this week.

