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Re: [microsound] Mesmer Variation

Further to your query. Why don't you email Mike Harding @ Touch/Ash
International direct. He's got a few copies of the Mesmer Variations CDs
left (minus (some of) the lavish packaging I think...) which he's offering
at a discount. Check out their website.

I have to give a very high recommendation for the "Mesmer Variations" to anyone else who still lacks it. With this - as well as the also highly recommended "Antiphony," "Chiy(u)u," and "Decay" - Ash seemed to offer the compilation as no mere sampler of shelved tracks, past-sell-by alternate versions, and label tie-ins but rather as a coherent program of thematically related pieces, often by musicians working in styles beyond their usual habits (for example the odd appearances by Drome and Gescom on the "Mesmer" assortment or the hushed noisers on "Chiky(u)u"). The Ash compilations, along with Sub Rosa's Myths and Utopian Diaries series, stand as excellent examples of what a compilation can be, and set the standard high for those others among us (myself included) who consider releasing such things. I suggest some shopping in Ashland for those who have not yet had the pleasure.

np - Bass Communion (2nd)
joshua maremont / thermal - mailto:thermal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
boxman [hako otoko] label - http://www.boxmanstudies.com/