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Odp: [microsound] oh....

| patrick halbig wrote:
| > ...glitch 'theory'...consumption requests....my product....
| > did anyone else:
| > 1) find the 20' to 2000 'campaign' ridiculous
| For such claims to make sense, shouldn´t they be qualified? In what
| sense did you find the "campaign" ridiculous?
| btw, this "campaign" recently won the Ars Electronica award for Digital
| Musics. Not that this has much to do with your claim, I just thought I´d
| mention it.
| > 2) find the concept of 'limited release' remarkably
| >     compatible with other forms of bourgeois consumption
| >     (Lafite, Daumier prints, rare Adorno text)
| If the alternative is the multi-platinum-multi-selling-multi-whatever
| consumption produced by corporate record companies, I know what I´d
| prefer. Elitism rules.

hi. Kamil, Poland/Warsaw here.

don't you think, that such concepts simply have to be elitists, because of
the marketing circumstances ? i disagree that particular amounts of above
EPs would sell around the world. the same goes with all underground fields,
not only electronica. do you imagine Aube, Richard Ramirez, John Duncan and
many more selling 1000 of each release ? reality imposes such elitism, not
vice versa.

if you're underground, you'd better release 200 copies and sign them with
your blood, proving that the purchase is worth the money, rather than
release 1000 and sell less than 200, achieving sale rate = 20%. Limited
editions are nice, but common sense is required - do you know the prices of
Hafler Trio "who sees goes on" serie ? check out
http://www.brainwashed.com/h3o/who_sees.html immediately, if you wanna see a
fine example of elitism lacking common sense.

ps. try to guess how many records of each title does Oval sell ?

i might be wrong, maybe it's just a rumor, but 700-1000 is the right answer.
elitism ? limited editions ? definitely no...

ps2: Personally i find some of the EPs released under 20" to 2000 serie
definitely not too experimental: Brinkman  or Elph, for instance. the nice
package and the general idea counts more than the inside here - that's my
