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Re: [microsound] series packaging
exactly, it's just you. as long as that is the artists' intent--then fine. my
concern is that the artist may have an intent for the cover which
suits/relates to the audio. what happens when the artist connects the
cover/packaging with the audio? then will a a label DICTATE a packaging that
suits itself and not the artist????
as long as it is the artist's intent, then that is is fine and it can be
judged as such. my question is: is that expression being comprimised? (e.g.
does Akira's CD look different now?)
i think it's very important for the artist to keep this in mind..
and, to be passionate enough about his/her own work that they would
consider NOT releasing a cd on a label with a "similar packaging
theme".. if they felt it didn't represent them...
so, i don't think ADSR is wrong at all in his concerns... it's a
decision that should be made by the artist on a release by release
basis or some kind of career decision..
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
taylor deupree/12k
taylor deupree ".n" CD (ritornell/mille plateaux) (april 2000)
taylor deupree "polr" CD (raster music jan 2000)
untitled 12" (audio.nl/kompakt)
"dopticn" on lowercase sound compilation
remixing kim cascone on "blue cubism" remix cd (digital narcis, japan)
remixing goem on "extensie" (noise museum, france)