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Re: [microsound] popular computer music : oxymoron?

At 03:02 AM 5/18/00 EDT, you wrote:
>Boycott the academic establishment and take back our essential liberty to 
>perceive reality through personal experience rather than through dogmatic 
>vanity and hatred.
>It was only a few centuries ago that we abandoned the tyranny of the 
>christian church and opened our arms to a thing called "science" as our 
>saviour and liberator.

I think the jury is still out on liberation through science. It has opened
whole new cans of worms (genetically-engineered foods being one example
that comes to mind) that sometimes are truly frightening.

-- Tim D.

>It is time, again, to recognize that what once freed us is now holding us 
>hostage with its auothority. Just the same as monotheism freed us from the 
>illusions of the pagan beliefs and later became our cold prison cell of 
>ignorance. Ignorance is the thing from which your proffesor is suffering. 
>Ignorance to the fact that we are free thinkers, and that each and every one 
>of us has the wisdom and science of the world-whole in them. We must
>that we GIVE auothority to the academic establishment of "science"- it is
>there by the power of itself. 
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