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Re: [microsound] popular computer music : oxymoron?

> << I think the jury is still out on liberation through science. It has opened
>  whole new cans of worms (genetically-engineered foods being one example
>  that comes to mind) that sometimes are truly frightening. >>
> Maybe I wasn't clear enough about the church of science being our
> contemporary mental slave driver. Anyway, that's what I meant.

there's a problem with your argument.  science loses because of who it's
supported by.  multinationals are producing the genetically-engineered
stuff; scientists only discovered its existence.

if what you mean is that science should somehow be 'more connected' to
the rest of the world, then you may be right.  but i don't see the point
in blaming science for the idiocy of man.  currently, studies on
genetically engineered food, tobacco poisoning, cell phone tumors &
other nightmares are being investigated by... scientists (of the
underfunded type, predictably) which still manage to come up with
something to counter the assault; the problem lies in this very issue of

scientists are precious to society but sponsored research in critical
fields must absolutely be done in the open.  if what you mean is that we
currently trust the sponsors too much, then i'll agree with you.  i just
wanted to make this distinction, being the picky type & stuff.

~ david