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Re: [microsound] popular computer music : oxymoron?
NaomiDavid@xxxxxxx wrote:
> Krishnamurti reminds us somewhere that the word "Discipline" is connected
> with the word "disciple"
> ...
> I guess what I mean by that is that not only is the scientific "Discipline"
> 'not above reproach', it is necessary to contradict it in order to retain or
> maybe even recreate one's freedom.
In a way I think it becomes the tail wagging the dog. Scientific method
(observation, experimentation, observation conceptualization...
something like that) is useful, certainly, but science like any other
school of philosophy (and that is really all it is) can easily function
like blinders and create gaps in communication and perception. As for
freedom... that's another issue, a very complicated one, and I'm not
quite sure what to make of it in regards to this discussion.
> My problem with science is less about its immoral conduct in the realms of
> vivisection and genetic engineering, and more about it's distorted use of
> discipline and authority. And by the way, I think this distortion occurs in
> people's minds and spirits and not in the establishment itself, which is
> merely struggling for its own survival.
Any school of thought carried out to an extreme seems limiting.
Philosophies so often become an end in themselves. Forget everything
you've ever known, be intuitive, be unconscious... forget your hands,
forget your body, forget yourself. What next?
the foundry
listen here... http://www.foundrysite.com/audio