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extrasensory sound art event: call for works - ONGOING
extrasensory sound art event
we are organising ongoing sound art events [four times a year] at the 291
gallery, london, uk and are inviting proposals for performance and
installation works for these from interested audio artists.
we are particularly interested in microsound 'musics', field recordings,
works that explore silence, noise and repetition, works highlighting
temporal / spatial characteristics, and works that make creative use of
technology [lo-fi or hi-fi] ETC...
the evening will include djs, audio performance and installation works, plus
minimal visuals: the focus is on the audio, but a/v and video works [with or
without sound] are also requested.
the next event is 29 june, 2000
please pass this information on to any potentially interested parties. thank
check out details of the previous extrasensory event:
send proposals by email to:
020 7265 9760
supporting material [cds, dats, cassettes, etc.] can be sent to:
60 siege house, sidney st, london e1 2hq. uk
please note: funding MAY be obtainable to support the promotion of your
work, but this should not be assumed. extrasensory is currently a very low
budget event, relying on the generosity and self-support of artists to make
it happen. extrasensory can only offer an excellent space to show and
perform work, a good crowd, and some media exposure.
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