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Re: [microsound] pop music

JonAbbey2@xxxxxxx wrote:
> << what's a good pop/microsound crossover nowadays?  >>
> I'd vote for Dean Roberts' recent Ritornell record, which manages to mix in a
> couple of songs to the microglitch stew pretty seamlessly, including a cover
> of Brian Eno's Cindy Tells Me.

Yes, this is a very intriguing album. I get a King Crimson flavor (1st
incarnation) at points... can't pin down why that would be. Very nice
textures and I enjoy the use of vocals. Not that they're all poppish,
but I have enjoyed all the Ritornell releases I've heard so far; Kim's
Cathodeflower, Akira's Elongated Pentagonal Pyramid and Taylor's .N. 

I am curious about the other Ritornell discs... can anyone tell me about
the Stillupsteypa, Achim Wollscheid, and Autopoieses releases?


the foundry
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