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what's new on no type ~ 00.06.05
what's new on no type ~ 00.06.05
a newsletter of sorts
(apologies for self-promotion, cross-posting, & flat-jokes)
new on no type <http://www.notype.com>
with the summer comes the slack, as many of you have come to expect from
us... well, in all fairness, the delay is mostly my doing, as the music
itself hasn't stopped pouring in no type land. there are 3 new releases
posted today on no type, & we expect things to pick some momentum with
the arrival of 2 people coming in to help with the updates, promotion &
such, as we move into a new address for the dreaded july 1st date. more
details on this will be posted as things happen. for now, enjoy what we
have & scroll down a bit for some details on mutek <http://www.mutek.ca>
which will be happening this week (june 7 to 11 to be precise) in
montréal, as well as our upcoming very first no type gig of the summer.
833-45 vs tomas jirku.
okay, you have waited long enough for this one. just in time for tomas
jirku's live set this saturday (opening for thomas brinkmann, no
less... see mutek details below) comes this split single he did with
vancouver's own k.m. krebs aka 833-45. they both contributed one song
each, & then remixed each other. this leads to four great tracks;
833-45 twisting shortwaves like only he is capable of, & tomas veering
astonishally close to house beats! check it out to believe it...
by the way, both of these guys have records coming out soon: tomas has
his much-awaited debut cd variants out on june 10 (see below), & there
will be a 833-45 seven-incher coming out on kultbox
<http://www.kultbox.com">, a label from chicago. more details as we
receive the promotional texts. :)
jeffrey p. shell is a specialist of all things minimal. after calling a
hiatus for his previous project, the audio e.l.w., he has now gone on to
tiny music, or shall i say, microsound? for all of those like me who
sometimes like the hiss of a cassette tape more than the music itself,
eucci's music contains invaluable moments of the most precious noise.
or, if i may paraphrase a much better writer than me, ekkehard ehlers,
"a desire for boundlessness that prefers freedom over notions of 'less
is more'"; a desire throughly prevalent in shell's work so far.
from parts japan & barcelona comes our first truly overseas release. it
also boasts the most complex artwork we've seen on no type to date, with
flash animation, wacky live streams & so forth, making for an abstract,
but endearing interface experiment. but nice as these graphics may be
(& they are nice), the music is the main attraction. michiyaki abiko
aka 3code has put together an environment of lovely sounds laid on funky
minimal beats. just go & be wowed, you cynic you.
mutek! mutek! mutek!
we could all do without epithets, but so be it. mutek
<http://www.mutek.ca> promises to
be the most interesting electronic music festival to happen this summer
in montréal... & probably in north america. the impressive line-up
includes luminaries from the raster-noton stable, big-shots such as
vladislav delay, taylor deupree, jake mandell, pole... but of course,
what we're all keeping our eyes open for is the saturday june 10 gig
featuring thomas brinkmann, dj triple r as well as no type's own tomas
jirku in his debut montréal appearance.
not only that, but tomas jirku's debut cd, variants, will be launched on
that very day. variants will come out on alien8 recordings
<http://www.alien8recordings.com>, host of more great sounds your
parents wouldn't dare calling "music".
june 18 in montréal.
hot on the heels of mutek, no type is putting together a gig marking
change!'s first montréal appearance. for those who don't know (hey, i
didn't until recently), change! is kaia wong (anaesthesia, asyncdrone)'s
new band featuring an impressive instrumental line-up. also featured on
that show are napalm jazz (with laptops, pick-ups, saxophones... a
beautiful mess is to be expected) & the return of asyncdrone for a short
opening set. the location is the casa del popolo (previously artishow)
at 4873 st-laurent (just south of st-joseph.) tickets will be sold at
the door for $4. it promises to be a wonderful night of improvisation.
can you stand us?
the music never stops pouring, as i said earlier... well, here's
proof. in the near future, there will be new music from (hold your
breath) oeuf korreckt, l'île de béton, anaesthesia, matrix assimilation,
speech.fake as well as none other than zammuto. how's that for
amazing? we'll try to update more often now. really.
thanks for your continued support & take care.
~ david
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