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Re: [microsound] Imbalance

imbalance is not a basic channel sublabel -- it's the label run by robert
henke of monolake (monolake used to record for chain
reaction, so that's probably what you're thinking of). imbalance's
longform name is imbalance computer music, which should give you an idea
of what's going on in their releases (at least in the ones i have,
which include the two henke cd's and monolake's "gobi" ep). abstract sound
design with occasion rhythmic elements drawn from the outer reaches of
post-techno, but oceans away from anything very relevant to the
dancefloor. i did an interview with robert a couple years back in which he
talked about the possibility of a healthy exchange between academic
electroacoustic and computer music and the post-techno underground. this
is happening, of course, all around us (maybe not enough, but it's
happening), and the imbalance releases i've heard are a wonderful
example, i think, of this exchange.


On Tue, 6 Jun 2000, Intermodal wrote:

> Hello,
> I am interested in the music on the BC sublabel Imbalance. Is the music
> that has been released worth checking out, and how does it figure into
> the overall berlin sound?
> thanks,
> mt
> -- 
>  Michael Taylor : Chrome3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>  http://homes.arealcity.com/Intermodal/index.html
>  http://www.mp3.com/TheMSProject
>  "I am often rich...not in money...but because I have found 
>   in my work something which I can devote myself to heart 
>   and soul, and which inspires me and give a meaning to life."
>   Van Gogh
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