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Noto: Telefunken

Can anyone offer me some technical advice re. the new Noto cd? Connecting
directly to vcr (in an effort to achieve home theatre reproduction) was to
no avail. After hooking the cd player directly into the tv, I was then
able to sit back and enjoy the show: 20 minutes of audiovisual sound
sculpture in Noto's intricately patterned, often wryly humorous style
(i.e. the absurd, unsettling build-up towards the end).

A couple of questions: my trinitron accepts the signal on 'video 1', but
the green on-screen indicator of this fact refuses to vanish despite all
efforts with 'display off' on the remote. Kind of diminishes the
effect... Does anyone know how to get rid of the indicator?

Part of the instructions on the Telefunken cd read: "For best results
please use a 'blacktrinitron-tv' from sony. Connect the cd-out (chinch) and the
television set via 'scart' adapter for the s-vhs input." Would getting one
these adapters enable me to put the signal through my receiver in stereo? 

Any advice much appreciated.



PS. One of the benefits of having the cd signal only running through the
tv is that it allows you to 'mix in' sounds from dead tv channels on
the vcr (connected to the receiver).  I was trying this about 4am and
there was a lot of static etc. around. Occasionally, however, stations
could be found emitting unusual analogue-like waveforms as well. 


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