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permissile playlist sunday june 25th 2000

permissile: tehaudle gdguid toehr gltivcsunday 06 25th 2000

permissile is broadcasted on CKUW,
the University of Winnipeg's campus
& community radio station and through
the NCRA's World Service Internet
radio. It can be heard locally
and via the Internet every second week
from 2-4 am CST on 95.9fm, or 8-10am GMT.
Ckuw stream: http://www.winnipeg.freenet.mb.ca/ckuw/index.html
World Service stream: http://www.ncra.ca/

aretst               albm              trk               laibl
theuser             symphny #1 fr dt mtrx prntr (3-6)   staalplat
makesnd             cassette           6                mille plateaux
vladislav delay     ranta 12 inch      nesso            chain reaction
pole                3                  taxi             matador
gramm               personal rock      st mori tz       source
mitchell akiyama    intr_verse         h                cdr
vert                mewantemooseic     through w/ lomng sonig
blunderspublik      up jumpt the jyent plic et ploc     sfeericle
o.yoshidide/s.m     filament 1         filament 1       extreme
o.yoshidide/s.m     filament 1         filament 2       extreme
O/r                 O/r                O/r/O            12k
f. bretschneider    rand               mai              mille plateaux
f. bretschneider    rand               bell             mille plateaux
nuno canavarro      plux quba          5                mokai
akira rabelais      elongated pentagon instructipolitic ritornell
akira rabelais      elongated pentagon 4(edit)          ritornell
akira rabelais      elongated pentagon ic3-             ritornell
akira rabelais      elongated pentagon catalan solids   ritornell
akira rabelais      elongated pentagon chronosnclastic  ritornell
francisco lopez     warzawa restaurant 4                trente oiseaux
noto                audible light      noto.wave+hertz  moma
carsten nicolai     polyfoto           3.32"            VFMKN
taylor deupree      n.                 hxgn             ritornell
kim cascone         12k1008            bufferdrift      12k
m/s                 sight of sound     place: concerni. errant bodies
farmers manual      live from fcmm http://www.radioescapade.com/bnw/fm

if you have any comments, concerns, suggestions, ideas for shows or want to know more about any of the artist email me. permissile@xxxxxx or just hit reply.
thanks for your time

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