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PROMO: Burkhard Stangl/Christof Kurzmann-Schnee

sorry for the promotional intrusion, and further apologies if you receive 
more than one copy of this:

I'm proud to announce the release of the latest CD on my label:

Burkhard Stangl/Christof Kurzmann-Schnee (Erstwhile 008)

Burkhard Stangl and Christof Kurzmann are both internationally known 
musicians from Vienna. Stangl is best known for being a member of the seminal 
improv group Polwechsel, for his superb solo record Récital, and for his five 
part, work-in-progress opera Venusmond. Kurzmann is a co-leader of Orchester 
33 1/3 with Christian Fennesz, runs Charhizma Records, and appears on the 
self-titled improv document CD on Charhizma, along with Fennesz and Werner 
Dafeldecker, with guest appearances by Kevin Drumm, Jim O'Rourke, and Martin 

While both musicians have been involved in the Viennese music scene since the 
late eighties, and have been friends just as long, their musical interests 
lay in different areas until fairly recently. They never played in the same 
band until Kurzmann sat in with Polwechsel in September of 1999 in NYC. When 
they returned to Vienna, they recorded this duo record, inspired by four 
favorite movies of theirs and by a quote from Austrian writer Robert Walser. 
Schnee consists of four long soundscapes, with Kurzmann's sedate electronics 
underpinning Stangl's atmospheric plucking. 

"Schnee is not about freezing, it is about snow. Therefore anything 'liquid' 
is gone, and has been transferred into a malleable body--its grainy patterns 
and particles are what Kurzmann creates circular asymmetrical patterns 
within. Stangl's guitar is brittle, dissolving like icicle drops. This 
record's beauty is in the critical fact that it explores the differences in 
computer generated and acoustic music, unlike a forced marriage or a 
systematic clash. Strikingly, it finds its entry at the extremity of 
fundamental difference between the worlds of the two instruments. It is not 
reductionist--in that it does not lack matter to its dialogue. Simply these 
two artists are so assured and comfortable within the language that it leads 
to saying less."-Dean Roberts

Schnee is also available in a European edition, designed by the highly 
respected Viennese graphics studio D+ and Marcus Sterz, through Charhizma 
(www.charhizma.com). The music on the US and European editions is identical.


Burkhard Stangl: acoustic & electric guitars, percussion
Christof Kurzmann: g3

track listing:

1. Nordrand-15:16
2. Sans Soleil-20:47
3. Passion-14:01
4. In Einem Jahr Mit 13 Monden-23:47

I love plainness in colour, monotony, snow is rather a monotonous tune. Why 
should colour not give an impression of singing? White is like a murmur, a 
whisper, a prayer. (Robert Walser; Translation: Uwe Schütte)

more info available at the following web sites, or contact Erstwhile Records 
at ErstRecs@xxxxxxx::


all Erstwhile CDs can be purchased from numerous worldwide distributors, all 
of which are listed on my web site. also, all Erstwhile releases can be 
purchased via mail order (prices are for single CDs): 

$13 US each postpaid within the United States 
$14 US each postpaid to Canada 
$16 US each postpaid overseas 

all payments must be made in US funds. cash and money orders shipped 
immediately. mail cash at your own risk. shipments paid for with checks held 
until they clear. please send your order to:

Erstwhile Records
189 Christopher Columbus Dr.
Apt. #4
Jersey City, NJ 07302


future releases from Erstwhile will include:

007: John Butcher/Phil Durrant-Requests and Antisongs (available in mid-July)
009: Dean Roberts/Werner Dafeldecker
010: VHF-Densities
011: Günter Müller/Lê Quan Ninh
012: Otomo Yoshihide/Voice Crack
013: Axel Dörner/Kevin Drumm
014: Thomas Lehn/Marcus Schmickler
015: TV Pow/Stilluppsteypa

also available now:

002-Haunted House-Up In Flames
003-Earl Howard/Denman Maroney-Fire Song
004-2-Thomas Lehn/Gerry Hemingway-Tom & Gerry (double CD)
005-Keith Rowe/Günter Müller/Taku Sugimoto-The World Turned Upside Down
006-Kevin Drumm/Martin Tétreault-Particles and Smears

thanks for reading.

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