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Re: [microsound] [Europe] Mouse On Mars et al on TV

jayrope wrote:

> can´t really see how you can call Viva Zwei brilliant - to me it´s the
> most outdated collection of Joe Cocker videos i have ever seen.

Remember what it's being compared to: MTV, Viva 1 an VH-1

Joe Cocker? Haven't seen him in a while. You must be confusing Viva Zwei
with VH-1, because that's the unofficial Joe Cocker, Sting, Genesis and
whatever else channel. Viva Zwei, on the other hand, is known to play
Einstürzende Neubauten, Motorpsycho, Radiohead and lots of other stuff that
the other channels won't touch. And in the middle of the day. Outdated?

On the other hand, if you thought I meant "it's broadcasting Microsound
music 24 hours a day" I can see that you wouldn't agree.

In any case: ANY channel that for example broadcasts a one-hour special on
Chris Cunningham deserves at least three stars in my book. At least. Oh, not
to mention the two hour broadcast the other day containing nothing but what
must've been film shot in Super8...combined with lots of music from Kompakt
(the label). I certainly enjoyed it.

And to repeat: they *are* broadcasting Mouse On Mars, Oval, Microstoria. I
would never, ever have thought the day would come when Oval, not to mention
Microstoria, would appear in concert...on what is still quite a commercial

> full stop.

