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off-icmc (?)

wondering if anyone has anyidea about what is going on with
the up and coming OFF-ICMC (an alternative program to the
International Computer Music Conference) part of the ICMC conference in late august.

it seems to include mego/a-musik/meme/raster etc etc and niblock(?), gunter, merzbow.et.al...
!! strange !...
their site says little about it - no nightly program,
a note which looks like an upload of a draft
(it repeats a paragraph and it is not even a very good one)

it all starts at 10.30pm each night.....i find it hard to believe that the computer
music people will venture out this late after a day of papers,
a 'serious' evening concert...and an early start the next day??
+ and all just to listen to the 'pop music' made with computers<<



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