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Re: [microsound] the wolves are in

>hence, the problem is not that napster got screwed up; it's that they're
>helping screwing up the idea they were supposedly going for as well.  as
>they constantly pull the mediatic cover for themselves, they are making
>it all the more difficult for true grassroots projects (the only known
>alternative to corporative greed) to take momentum & affirm their
>principles to a broad audience.  we are now led to believe that napster
>was the only way there, & with them out of the way, we watch with
>increasing resignation as the wolves gaze at the breach.

The problem of Napster and the problem of the RIAA are separate. People
who create works on which they'd like to exercise copyright control have
the choice to participate in the RIAA if they want. Napster&Co. are
