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Re: [microsound] info mille Plateaux/ritornell
dear achim,
just wanted to update you on our travel plans. we arrive in frankfurt the
morning of 4 october, and we depart the morning of 1 october. will send you
an itinerary that was laid out by elliot perkins 9phonem) as the best route
to travel, though i suspect it wont be the route we eventually take, and i
expect we'll only play 60% of the cities we'd LIKE to play in. we'll be
joined by v/vm for four dates in holland, by starfish pool in belgium, and,
of course, phonem in germany. ive also disscussed playing with frank
metzger, goem and others, though nothing is set, yet. and im making
arrangements to play with oivind idso, possibly in stockholm and oslo.
anything set for the mille plateaux tour?
we'll be playing with jake mandell and safety scissors at the knitting
factory on september first, a beta bodega event, and i'll try to hook up
with your man in ny. we'll aslo be doing an in-store apppearance,
afterhours, at other music (that is, most likely we will). safety scissor,
general magic and sony mao appear on the next rice & beans release, Beta
Bodega Coalition/Banana Republic Volume 1.
have you gotten any press on ritornell 10? other than the review i sent you
(you did receive that email, didnt you? a review from xlr8r, i believe). im
sending out press packets and i want to keep updating them as we go, so far,
the one was all ive seen.
ive been working on so much that ive not been very organized about material
that ive sent out, im hoping you received the two cdr demos of sony_mao and
needle, if not, let me know, as im about to send you our press kit from beta
bodega and a copy of our latest radio performance, on wvum-fm in miami,
which previews a project we're working on, needle/trnsmssn, with kim
cascone, starfish pool, phonem, and v/vm to coincide with our tour and the
album from beta bodega, needle/nCryption (sept 2000).
best regards,
edward bobb
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