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Re: [microsound] Re: Oval Commercials.

Orangejazz@xxxxxxx wrote:

> Can someone tell me, with all this
> theory crap, what exactly is the intellectual motivation behind some of the
> artists of this genre? Does anyone actually appreciate it? Or do most people
> listen to it for aesthetic reasons?

Do you mean "appreciate the artist´s intellectual motivation" for the music? Or
the music itself?

In any case, how would we gain access to an artist´s intellectual motivation?
Linear notes are just rough guidelines for one or two specific ways of listening
to a CD. There are dozens of other ways (usually) that might, if you care to
articulate them, even negate the linear notes. Don´t worry about it.

Btw, are you implying that the "reasons" for a piece of music´s existence
(whoever might put forth those reasons) can somehow be seperated from so called
"aesthetic reasons"? What would seperate the two?

> I am actually curious to see what
> people's least favorite albums of the genre are..  Mainly, just to watch all
> the other members of the list jump on him/her about how he/she has no taste.

This resembles self-loathing turned outwards.

If you think "the other members of the list" (aren´t we holy) are such stupid
individuals: Why are you on it? To reveal your own set of prejudices through your
own claimed superiority? Because that´s just too predictable. Besides,
discussions DO occur. Autechre´s been up for debate, so has the recent
Staedtizism compilation on Scape. AFAIK no one (of the group members) was
attacked for being either tasteless or tasteful.

With regards to Oval and others and commercials: the problems with advertising of
this kind is that it very often (/always) empties both the pictures and the music
it employs. Ads result in the consumer being exposed to involuntary snippets of
Oval (or whoever) whenever or wherever it suits the advertisers. And they are
exposed to it over and over again until the ad becomes boring, yesterday´s news,
something we´d rather forget, an annoyance. It´s everywhere, all the time and in
all, in the widest sense, channels, and can´t possibly maintain the integrity of
whatever elements it might incorporate.

Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg´s "Morning" has been used in so many Norwegian
commercials and so many times that it means nothing to me anymore. You just think
"oh no, not again", like a pavlovian reflex has been inserted by the ad between
the music and myself. This, more than anything else, is why ads, and particularly
television commercials, sort of scares me. Repetition can be deadly.
