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Jean-Luc Godard
Dear All,
I couldn't help but respond to this thread, for anyone who hasn't already
succumbed, buy the ECM New Series soundtrack for Godard's 'Nouvelle Vague'.
It's a little expensive (though beautifully packaged) but unquestionably one
of the most perfect and painstakingly considered 'soundtracks' I've ever
A true soundtrack, it's split over two CDs because, to quote the
sleeve-notes: This is the COMPLETE soundtrack - music, dialogue, sounds - of
Jean-Luc Godard's 'Nouvelle Vague'...
A car drives by; a women barks out gruffly in French, the briefest of
arguments; a dog barks before being interrupted by the distant strains of
Dino Saluzzi which last barely five - perhaps ten - seconds. This is what
the film truly sounds like: interruptions, disruptions, musique concrete,
fragments, shards of sound, discontinuity - yet each note, each second, each
moment sounds absolutely considered.
The sleevenotes feature an essay by a blind woman who has only ever
experienced the film through sound alone and her reactions and insights
reveal a great deal. She uncovers a side to Godard I'd never truly
considered before, because, seeing, I was unable to.
If you want to hear a true soundtrack, I guarantee you can't go wrong with
Christopher @ Fallt
Winter is by far the oldest of the seasons; it is as though it were living
in the past of centuries gone by.
Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space
http://www.fallt.com | info@xxxxxxxxx