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RE: [microsound] compassion for hard work
> > Yeah GG! , I'm here for the sounds, and you boys are just silly to think
> > otherwise! I KNOW some of you live for the politics, well, that's your
> > perogative, it's all a myth to keep you busy anyway.
> I think you´ve misunderstood, then, as this list per se is rather
> silent in
> terms of actual, physical sound. We´re not swapping sound bi/ytes.
That's funny, I understood her point perfectly. Sounds to me like she's
SIMPLY stating (which seems refreshingly rare on this list with all the
obtuse academic theory du jour being tossed around) that your work can be
appreciated on many levels outside of the rarefied theoretical frameworks
that you seem to worry about so much.
> And the politics? If what you mean is the typical "I just want to
> read about
> the music, man", you're already on your way into politics. A
> review of a record
> or a concert is already an attempt, or could be an attempt, to
> establish some
> sort of political (understood in the broadest sense, of course)
> stance, and all
> talk about any aesthetic object will inevitably lean against
> projecting your
> impression of the world onto the world.
Sorry Oivind, (and sorry I couldn't figure out that O-slash character) but
some of us still believe in the value of "aesthetic objects." What your
point was about them I can't say because your message doesn't make sense to
me. I suspect from all the previous dialogs that it was some sort of
political objection to aesthetics. I still stand by my assertion that the
music that you make (that supposedly manifests or represents political
theories) is not necessarily the music we, the listeners, hear.
I know it is unfashionable to not use an interdisciplinary approach to all
studies but I've seen enough of that already. At some point we have to
realize for the good of our own disciplines that music IS NOT political
theory, visual art IS NOT the same thing as philosophy, and architecture IS
NOT literary theory (on the latter I can speak with some authority). It
seems nobody wants to be associated with "aesthetics," nobody wants to
engage in the "star system," and nobody wants to be seen dealing with the
musical "tradition" on this list. That's fine, but I really don't think you
can escape them. Music (physical sound, audio, whatever you want to call
it) is an artifact and it has a life of it's own that will at some point be
out of your control.
Besides, I like Rebecca's attitude and I think it's refreshing. I think
she'd be far more fun to hang with at a party than some of the humorless
people on this list!
with respect...
Gunnar Garness