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RE: [microsound] compassion and weather

----->> For someone who´s been trying to write a PhD I´d say you
----->> are surprisingly
----->> full
----->> of what at least seems like ignorance. Was this your
----->> attitude towards your
----->> PhD,
----->> too? If it was, I can sort of understand why nothing came of it.

-----	[Junger Joerg]
-----	this is one of the most arrogant comments I've read so
-----far on this

OK everybody, settle down now...everyone's getting their feathers ruffled.
I think we should all make an effort to take these e-mail postings with a
grain of salt an remember that what sounds like an insult is not always
intended that way in the hasty world of e-mail correspondance.  I am just as
guilt of it as the rest of the group.  Besides I enjoy these discussions.
