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In a message dated 08 09 00 21 19 06, kim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

>sorry! I have have meant to view your CDROM but just haven't gotten around
>to it...
>mea culpa!

Oh dear me...this just gets worse and worse!!
Im really sorry to have caused so much distress and it was certainly never my 
intention to make any individual feel bad (honestly!).
I guess my remarks were inappropriate for the list, but I really did think 
that they would be taken with the humour in which they were written. 
One thing I might say in my favour is that I did not mention anybody in 
particular (unlike recent posts concerning concert organisations and 
organisers), I have the feeling though that I have offended some individuals, 
so I would just like to point out  that I was only stating that I am  
genuinely impressed by peoples abilities to whip off erudite responses so 
When I asked what people were doing, I meant the question seriously...I 
really dont see how this has been taken so wrongly.
How can I put it better..
Some of the list members seem able to write very well, with great knowledge 
and with amazing speed...I am full of admiration for you..what is it that you 
Does that sound more agreeable?

Im pretty bruised about things that have happened to me during my research, 
which came to a head quite recently, and I realize now that I mistakenly let 
some of my personal feelings out into a public space where it was wholy 
inappropriate. I do apologise for that and I would rather that you all just 
let it drop and spare me any further embarrasment.

Are we all still friends?
good humour

