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Re: [microsound] Music and architecture
Thanks Sean, actually I've not looked into M. Amacher. Will do. I have
the Site Of Sound and I am quite fond of it. I've asked Michael Harding
@ Touch about a full length of AER and he said that there were no plans.
Perhaps he agrees with you. Thanks, Dale.
On Sat, 09 Sep 2000 09:14:48 -0700 Sean Cooper <scooper@xxxxxxxx> writes:
> probably i'm stating the obvious here, but maryanne amacher composes
> pieces
> that are designed to interact with the specific spaces in which they
> are
> eventually heard (that is, for which they are composed). she rarely
> releases her music for the expressed purpose that it's so integrally
> tied
> to these acoustical spaces as to be incomplete without them.
> nonetheless, a
> cd of her work, "sound characters," was released by tzadik about two
> years
> ago, and she has contributed tracks to asphodel/sombient's three
> volume
> "drones" series. the tzadik disc is half music of this sort (adapted
> for cd
> release) and half "otoacoustic" music (music designed to produce
> audible
> overtones in the ear of the listener such that the music is a sort
> of
> collaboration between the tones she produced and those produced in
> the act
> of hearing)...also, in case you don't know of the book "site of
> sound: of
> architecture and the ear" (steve roden and brandon labelle, eds)
> that may
> be worth looking into. it comes with a cd including pieces by achim
> wollscheid, roden and labelle, rlw, the below-named tsunoda, john
> hudak,
> and others.
> morton feldman's "rothko chapel" also springs to mind, although
> that's a
> little more along the lines of music as interpreted space rather
> than music
> as the sounding of space.
> >I've been inspired by some of the work of Toshiya Tsunoda, John
> >Duncan, AER (on the Touch/Ash comps), etc. Since some of the
> people on
> >this list have both fields as a background, it would be interesting
> (for
> >me, at least) to hear some perspectives, ideas, etc regarding this.
> i've really dug the aer stuff as well. hopefully wozencroft will one
> day
> release a full-length cd of his music, although i must admit i quite
> like
> their status as incidental music between other tracks on the various
> touch
> compilations on which they've appeared.
> sc, still waiting with baited breath for the english-language
> translation
> of xenakis' "music and architecture"
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