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Re: [microsound] Microbes and Music (was Where in the World?
Right on! I'm short on time currently, but will check it all out later.
On Tue, 12 Sep 2000 09:09:44 +1000 Jacques Soddell
<J.Soddell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Yes, I'm a microbiologist, hence my interest in microsound.:-)
> Check out the Audio Microscope site at
> http://www.benchmarkmedia.com/appnotes-a/audiomsc.asp
> may be useful for microsound but a bit big to record a microbe.
> on a microbial level check out
> joe davis and katie egan and their audio microscope
> at http://kultur.aec.at/festival2000/press/presse2_e.html
> and joe davis at http://www.iflugs.hdk-berlin.de/kg/akt.htm
> My wife and I presented a paper at PRICAI 2000 (pacific rim
> artificial
> intelligence conference) last month on "Microbes and Music" in which
> we use
> L-systems models of microbial growth to produce midi files.
> The paper has been published by Springer-Verlag in their lecture
> Notes in
> Artificial Intelligence series. We are currently working on a
> website for an
> exhibition in Sydney in October called "autonomous audio" which
> should reveal
> all to the world.
> Cheers from Bendigo, Australia
> jacques
> > Subject: Re: [microsound] Where in the world?
> >