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Ars Electronica
Well, what a fiasco indeed...
I really don't have a problem with the conceptual
performance or whatever presentations electronic
artists may attempt these days, but the reaction of
some of the participants is a little misleading.
Despite Peter Rehberg claiming in his mail that:
>nowhere in the ars program/catalogue did it state
anything about live
>appearences, but a presentation of the series...
and Ivan Pavlov on the Coil list:
>The programme of the ARSE festival (which I have no
doubt you
>have a copy of) does not say anything about live
well if Peter and Ivan look back at the brochure of
Next Sex posted out around the globe he would find on
page 15 an advert for this controversial show listed
under Performances:
"An overview of what's going on in the world of
digital music...the 12 artists will each PERFORM for
20 minutes"
Well call me an old fashioned girl but I believe the
word 'perform' to suggest the participation of the
characters involved and not a stand in. Now boys, move
on please...
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