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RE: [microsound] microvising...and structures

David Turgeon wrote:

-----the kind of improvisation you describe would be, as far as i'm
-----concerned, impossible to achieve whatever your instruments.  an
-----"improvised idea" must be channelled through _something_.
-----even if we
-----supposed a totally imagined, anti-composed approach (which
-----i think is
-----nearly impossible as we're all influenced by something),
-----your instrument
-----will still constrain the music that you can play: as much
-----as you may
-----want, you can't play piano with a guitar, say.  :)

I think the kind of improvisation I'm trying to get at is more of a
"disciplined impulse."  Yes, I agree, we cannot escape our influences.  What
I'm speaking of doesn't deny that fact.  This kind of improvisation comes
from a level of comfort that one achieves with their instrument through
years of experience.  This intimate knowledge of the instrument produces
work with a different meaning and a different focus from composed works.

  "once the music
-----leaves your head, it's already corrupted" as quoted in
-----sonic youth's
-----_experimental jet-set_ cd (incidentally their worst album).

Close in my opinion, but Goo takes the prize :)


on right now:  New York City Ghosts and Flowers - Sonic Youth