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Re: [microsound] Contact Microphones

One thing, though, Steve:

The freq response of the piezos are dependent on their diameter 
and aren't as tweaky as specialized pickups. I've used them to 
good effect on sheet metal and metal fire escapes, though! :)

Some weeks back I posted a response (here) to someone wanting 
to build a MIDI drum trigger, where I explain how to wire these 



> Catherine Bassett wrote:
> Yes, it is really cheap and easy to make contact microphones.
> All you need is a Piezo Transducer (often used as buzzers) and connect it
> straight on to a signal connector. Work really well!! and only costs about
> 30p
> Cathy
> ----------
> >From: Steve Taylor <steve_taylor@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >To: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >Subject: [microsound] Contact Microphones
> >