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Dean Roberts (was Re: Thela)

> have a lovely album out on Esctatic Peace. quite different from what
> they all do now, but interesting they all kind of went off into a
> similar field after Thela broke up.

Sorry to follow up on this so late, but I've been really enjoying Dean Roberts' latest (?) solo effort, the cryptically-titled AND THE BLACK MOTHES PLAY THE GRAND CINEMA on Ritornell. Two roughly 20-minute "suites" of songs (?) intended to be listened to intact; there's a cover of Eno's "Cindy Tells Me". Lots of familiar features, for those who have heard White Winged Moth or ALL CRACKED MEDIAS (Mille-Plateaux)---there's the panning simple percussion, usually high-hat, giving an almost dub rhythmic skitter; lots of rich drone; the refracted drizzle that Roberts' guitar preparations (??) seem to hold unique; etc---but now there are vocals, buried in the midst of the production, an almost obscured whisper; finally, he employs some MSP stuff written for him by Jim O'Rourke, which really seems to fully realize things that Roberts was trying before. A beautiful record, the definitve Roberts. (Check out his Formacentric page: http://www.angelfire.com/music/formacentric/rit.html)


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