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nuno cannavaro
Let's talk about plux quba. A while back, I did some
translations of song titles and words on the record,
and came up with some stricking results. Song titles
like "Deep Dark Alsee," and "Cave," and "Mist." I have
a feeling that Plux Quba has something to do with the
mysteries of nature... it's ambience.
So my question is this: With so many modern artists
taking nods from the Plux Quba, why is every record in
this genre sooooooo very devode of nature? What went
wrong? I think that Markus Popp is pretty funny for
making melody out of tricking everyone into thinking
their CD players are about to exploded.... but that's
no lifestyle! I'm sorry, it's just song titles like
"01," "02," "03 (version 2.0)" just don't get me that
excited anymore.
I'd like to atleast see "the Deep Dark 02nd Cave
(version 2.0)" or something. What do you all think?
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