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Tetsu Inoue Homepage News Updated

from http://www.hyperreal.org/music/artists/tetsu/news.htm

December 7, 2000

A third interview has been archived, courtesy of D.Opdyke &
Ambientrance. Read about the new sound of Inoue here. Also added were
Auraphage's fine reviews of Second Nature and Cymatic Scan. Check those
out for good overviews of these one-time collaborations Inoue took part in
with Atom Heart and Bill Laswell. Tetsu has just finished a new mini-album
called "Object and Organic Code" for the Institute for Electronic Arts
(IEA) at Alfred University with support from the Rockefeller Foundation. 
This one should be out next month. Finally, the discography section has
been updated with a new compilation called Ambient Systems: Initialized 
now out on Instinct Ambient, featuring the 'remote / beauty' track from
the album "active / freeze" produced with Taylor Deupree. Other artists on
the compilation include Sutekh, Dietrich Schoeneann, and Shuttle359. 

     .         .      .    .   .  . ..... .  .   .    .      .         .
        Tetsu Inoue Homepage: http://www.hyperreal.org/music/artists/tetsu/
        Radioshow Playlists:  http://i.am/phonaut / http://www.phonaut.org/
	Music Trading Page: http://ww1.math.luc.edu/~njurcin/trade.htm