> . Vladislav Delay: anima cd (Mille Plateaux)
when is that coming out?
I just recieved an advance of this one last week.
It's a 1-track 60+ minute continuous mix that
fits in stylistically more with Multila and Entain
than his recent Luomo or Uusitalo releases. The
music contained on Anima is good but I hate the
fact that it's just one 60-minute track. I wish
he would have broken it up into at least a few
segments. Supposedly Anima will also be released
as a 3xlp containing 8 separate variations not
available on the cd. So it sounds like the vinyl
version will contain another album's worth of
new Vlad Delay tracks continuing Mille Plateaux/
Force Inc's relentless assult on my bank account!