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Re: [microsound] autechre/richard devine
Andrei. beleive it man, im such a sucker for all those acts you have
mentioned. i have every song from those acts and just trying to copy all
those sounds is such fun
Yup, thanx for the SoS link, ive seen that a long time ago
i have to ask weather im the only one on this list who is coming out of
hiding. i wanna sound like who ever i think is cool. i dont have a problem
with emulating my heroes.
heres an example--> richard james started out as a rave pusher and now
sounds like squarepusher. just compare analogue B.bath with windowlicker or
autobulb ( richard is the pooches plums btw)
Since im only starting out, this is how i see it ---> you rip off fav
artists to get the sound you like, then you get to know your kit inside out
to get those sounds, this process of getting to know your kit leads you into
creative tangents and then hope fully you start developing your own style
and sounds.
next, im gonna rip off richard devine and arovane, and i dont care what ppl
think. i make the sounds for my own pleasure. its masterbation.
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