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Re: [microsound] |-| Re: // techniques ]]
> i do not consider most IDM to be on this level of experimentalism by the
> way, nor do i consider the music that i produce to be anywhere near this.
> however i am forever conscious of the relationship between my music (and
> stylistic constructs i work with) and the "rules" of these constructs, so
> suppose in some ways i agree with you that yes a knowledge of "rules" can
> helpful. but only if you make pop music like me. ;)
even if you play by all the rules its still very possible to make 'pop
music' that is incredibly inaccessible.
Suggesting that anyone who doesnt want to be relegated to a 'pop music'
wasteland should eschew all forms of music theory seems a little immature
and definitely incorrect - hopefully thats not what you ment. Especially
since in the context of this forum, 'pop music' (ie popular artists)
consists of acts that are generally not considered to be pop music outside
of this forum.