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Re: [microsound] |-| Re: // techniques ]]
jonah dempcy wrote:
> and further "breaking them through experimentaion" is a bit misleading. yes
> it is possible to "experiment" within a certain construct or mode, if by
> "experiment" you mean exagerrate, flourish, expand, or otherwise further
> "construct" ... but experimentation in music to me means something that
> precedes constructs (or at least uses constructs at the whim of the creator
> and not as a deciding factor for how the piece should form) .. this
> definition is quite obviously proven when one examines recognized
> experimental music like free jazz, microsound, noise, etc.
take free jazz for instance. Don't tell me that some hairstyler decided one
day he will quit his job and do music. And created free jazz.....
> knowledge of the "norm" is a must for a music critic, but just gets in the
> way for the musician trying to be creative.
I thought it was supposed to be the other way around....