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RE: [microsound] [Fwd: Empreintes DIGITALes: British Electro Connection]

There are also some composers out in South America who could do that as
well, although the area has been horribly neglected for over 40 years.

Check out the works of Jorge Antunes, Ricardo Dal Farra, and Coriun
Aharonian, especially.  They may come from the "stuffy" avant-garde school,
but their work is very warm, sometimes humorous, and really astounding.

Look for links at:



Rudy Carrera
Falçata-Galia Recordings
Masked Superstar Recordings

-----Original Message-----
From: Greg [mailto:gregg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 11:16 PM
To: microsound
Subject: Re: [microsound] [Fwd: Empreintes DIGITALes: British Electro

> sorry, i just think electroacoustic is dead !!!!!

Check out the metakime label "cinema for the ear" 3" series... has some old
school electro-acousticans and some fabulous new folk who kind of float
around that domain (i.e. J.O'Rouke, Berhard Gunter, Jerome Noetinger, RLW)

of even higher recommendation is a new CD on far-reaching New Zealand label
Corpus Hermeticum by L.Marchetti/J.Noetinger/M.Werchowski... French
electroacoustic improvision by the new school... showing that
electroacoustics is far from dead, and putting laptop silliness like
Fenn'o'berg to shame.

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