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Re. .mp3 sites...
Re. .mp3 sites...
1) There are still excerpts (48 tracks/48 minutes) of the entire
invalidObject Series (Pita, Stephan Mathieu, Pimmon, Taylor Deupree, Richard
Chartier, 0* and many, many more) available to download free at:
2) Check out our Fodder Series, .mp3 with full-colour/die-cut PDF packaging.
Fodder 0001 is an un-microsound brokebeat [sic.] frenzy by the mysterious
Ted Sulkowicz (if anyone can offer us ANY info. on this artist who dropped
us off an anonymous/must-be-published collection of audio, please, let us
know)... Fodder is, once again available to download free at:
Best for 2001,
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| XXXX¨¨¨¨MADONNA | MUSIC --------------------- <>
| XXXX¨¨¨¨AIR | MOON SAFARI ----------- --
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http://www.fallt.com | info@xxxxxxxxx