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dense press release: austria special
THILGES 3 - Johanna Zyklus (CD thilges)
This CD is the Soundtrack that Thilges 3 made for an Installation of the
german artists Marc Weiss & Martin de Mattia (M&M) for the Marstall
(Bayrisches Staatsschauspiel) in Munich. Johanna Cycle is a filmic
surrround-narrative, written by Helmut Krausser and translated to film by
M&M with the
actors Axel Milberg, Andreas Hofer and Elizabeth Blonzen. In this
installation the viewer is surrounded by a panorama of six projection
screens. One of the six scenes is played on each of the screens. The viewer
may choose which screen and, with it, which part of the story he or she
will give their attention first. A prescribe chronology - as in classical
films - is no longer given.
The six screens are surrounded by the quadrophonic sound of Thilges 3.
Thilges 3 tried to describe the six scenes by variing six simple
soundscapes to a complex but light composition.
LANding - Compilation (CD Triton)
At the end of 1999 Austrian artists met under the roof of the
LANding-Electronic Culture Project in order to organise an exhibition and
accompanying events at the Tyrolese Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum. For a few
days the museum turned from an art-historical 'Nekropolis' into a technoid
synod of disciples believing in computers and sampling. Thus, the location
changed completely into a mass of devotees of nowadays plunderculture.
The CD LANding (74 min) - edited by Stefan Bidner - documents those
progressive sonic flesh beats. The booklet contains pictures of the visual
contributions as well as a text on "Techno culture between aviatarics,
Avataras and atavism" by Thomas Feuerstein.
For the realisation of events like LANding one must be indebted to the
networks of artists and friends who consequently consider themselves LANs
(Local Area Networks).
Audio contributions by: Stefan Bidner, Thomas Feuerstein, fon, Franz Graf,
Markus Hammer, Alois Huber, Marinek/Schön, Mayr/Wazac, Franz Pomassl and
Voice Crack.
Booklet with visual contributions by: Stefan Bidner, Thomas Feuerstein,
fon, Markus Hammer, Christoph Hinterhuber, Jahrmann/Moswitzer, Franz
Pomassl, re.state and subetage as well as a text by Thomas Feuerstein.
FON performance 25/01/01: INVILTRATION @ secession, friedrichstraße 12,
vienna http://www.secession.at