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Re: [microsound] pimmon "assembler"

Woah !

I open up the mailbox and here it all comes...

As I say over and over, it's seems very weird and voyeuristic to
get all this related mail....


As someone asked, best ask the man himself..

At the outset...I wish to say this..

In all that I do, I don't try to be microsound:lowercase:anything......

I just do what I like, if that falls into some camp or other so be it....

Likewise...if someone chooses to like/dislike/disagree with what
I have done....who am I to argue ?? That is the person's opinion, 
they are entitled to think/choose to listen in whatever way they 

Now more to the comments themselves...

>I'm am questioning pimmon's assembler. I've had a hard time dealing with it.
>Some tracks are perfect (track one and two) while others (track 5) are a
>labor to get through. . . and he seems to rely quite heavily on that "ten
>thousand rodent" sound.  in fact the CD seems only to have different rodents
>and differed "bit mined" sounds. . .a bigger pallet would have helped this
CD greatly. . .

The funny thing is....that the 'bit mined' sounds are actually in the FIRST
There are no non-Windows files used after tracks 1 + 2....Track 2 is nearly
non-windows files...so, in fact, not all of those sounds need to be harsh
are some nice drones available to all PC users...

The majority of sounds on Assembler do come from a varied palette, that's
not to say 
I've not rendered them in similar fashions...95% of what I do comes through
of said soundfiles...

I actually don't use a lot of plugins [i am a PC user] and a lot of what I
do is by
rendering soundfiles PRIOR to 'assemblage'....for example, the background
on the track 'xlat' was made with a variety of slowed down sounds, [varying
Faust + street recordings + tape spools being struck...] pushed onto analog

As far as "10 thousand rodents", [ala track 5] I tend to like using a
masking agent and 
under that is the sweet..whether a distant melody or subtle sound to listen
to, once you 
can go beyond the forefront, there is much more happening...

[the particular sound in question was the recurrance of the 'squeaky gate'
from track 3 pushed to the limit....]

thats how I fashion it, it's what I like to do...if you like it, great...if
you find it lacking 
something, then I can't say much can I ? I've been very VERY fortunate to
have my
work released and I don't pretend to be doing something new, exciting,
All I want to do is make what I consider to be interesting soundscapes.....

>Compared to Kinetica; it has a non-looping quality that knetica never gets
>over. . . There is a beautiful middle ground between these CD's that he has
>not quite reached. . .

Interesting...I always fear that what I do loops too much ! But that's what
I like...
to allow subtle change over time...in fact, there are just as many loops in
it's just they are all offset against each other rather than in sync ala

The 2 releases were meant to be very different...and that comes from the
fact that
I listen/enjoy/like to create a variety of different sounds...if you listen
to the
7" on Bad Jazz...you may not recognise anything in the Waves and Particles

The main difference between Kinetica and Assembler is that Kinetica was
from many many hours of recordings I had available....it was sifted and
Assembler was made from scratch [except track 2, which was a reworking of an
earlier track]....

I welcome someone commenting on the release, I don't mind at all comments
of any
nature....though personal attacks are less likely to be welcomed !

>For the record I like Assembler it's just fine. . .  My real concern is that
>the list takes a critique as an attack. . .  when I only meant it as a
>stimulus for discussion. . .

....which I think is valid...

I've noticed that 'A Listener' in the past has thrown the cat amongst the
over a variety of topics...and I like to see how people respond....some do
seem to
be very trigger happy......