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The women of microsound
One might take comfort to some extent in
the notion that women are not well represented
in the more academic traditional electroacoustic
realms [though I think it's better there], nor in
techno, either - with some exceptions. No one's
brought up Kaffe Matthews, whose performance
at the Off-ICMC were one of the high points of
the festival for me. We could all just pause for
a moment and mention that it's possible that our
gay brethren might well be lamenting a dearth of
possible lovers for *them,* too.
Here's a potentially useful goal - view one of the
purposes of your romantic life as a kind of stealth
recruitment project to address the gender imbalance.
I realize that it's probably a lot of work to do the
difficult and tedious day2day work which sustains
partnerhood AND to work at enlarging the audience
for the stuff you love by N [where N is the number
of partners you currently enjoy], but it might be
Of course, in my wife's field*, one might well be
decrying the relative lack of people like me. I just
wind up investigating the things that the people I
love profess their love for, and it's a great way to
navigate outside your bias set. There are times
when it has not worked [opera comes to mind here],
but hey.
just another boring monogamite duffer,
*Dutch literature